Our Mission
Contribute to the development of a peaceful global society in harmony with its environment.


Program areas

In pursuing our mission, we conduct the following types of activity: policy engagement; collaboration and networking; research; education and training; organizational development; expert testimony; and publication. These activities occur in five program areas.


Global Human Security

Investigate threats to the security of individuals, communities and nations around the world; promote policies and practices that enhance security.



International conflict management

Build capacities and develop policies whereby conflict-torn communities engage in cooperative actions that promote peace and social reconstruction.


Energy and environment

Examine the environmental and social impacts of nuclear, fossil and renewable energy systems; promote policies, technologies and practices that minimise adverse impacts.


Sustainable development

Study and promote policies, technologies and practices that allow human needs to be met while preserving the life-support systems of the planet.


Knowledge exchange

Encourage and facilitate a rich interchange of information about achievements and opportunities in the areas addressed by IRSS.

IRSS USA Copyright 2013

Website designed by Jeffrey Gingras